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Project component P1 - "Intelligent, visible light communication systems with roadside assistance and active safety"

"Intelligent, visible light communication systems with roadside assistance and active safety"

Introducere, context și obiective

In the context of over 1.3 million people being victims of road accidents every year, increasing the safety and efficiency of the road transport system is a major challenge for both the automotive industry and the general public. In this respect, it is considered that the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the development of active automotive safety solutions can contribute to reducing the number of accidents by over 80%.

The project aims to focus expertise and outstanding outcomes in 7 institutions from 5 development regions of Romania to develop a hybrid communication platform through visible light and augmented reality for the development of intelligent systems for active vehicle assistance and safety.

Through a decentralized and participatory "Quadruple Helix" approach (interactively involving academia, industry, public administration and civil society), complex project management aims to ensure effective collaboration both internally and externally to the consortium for the 4 component projects.

Special attention will be paid to increasing the visibility and impact of international research through the dissemination of research results in ISI journals with a high impact factor and prestigious scientific manifestations. In Section C, the results dissemination plans for each component project are presented in detail and quantified.

Under the project, a joint RDI program will be developed, correlated with the institutional development plan of each partner, which will detail the sustainability of the collaboration after the project is completed (including the obligation to keep newly employed people at least 2 years after project completion, research centers with opportunities for relaunching (eg the MANSiD Center) and institutional consolidation.

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