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Collaboration with other faculties

     The Faculty of Electrical Engineering has managed to conclude agreements with institutions and universities in Europe and to establish some contacts with others in the USA, Canada and Asia.

     Our students can go abroad for a semester or two and study at other universities, while foreign students may come to study at our university. These student exchanges are due to the generous framework of the TEMPUS programme.

     The project "INDEED - Introduction of a New Dimension of the Electrical Engineering Department", started in 1992 and finished in 1995 having the Instituto Politecnico de Porto (Portugal) and The Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Lille (France) as partners, offered scholarships to 24 students and the whole academic staff. As an outcome of this project, the material resources of the faculty enriched visibly, acquiring modern equipments and computers, the value of which reached the sum of about 350000 ECU in only 3 years.

      The TWEEN project (Towards a Wide Electrical Engineering Network) made possible the student exchange scheme with Instituto Politecnico do Porto (Portugal), Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Lille (France), Universite Franche - Compte de Besancon (France), Katholicke Hogeschool Gent (Belgium), Universita degli di studi Catania (Italy). Mention should be made that the Faculty of Electrical Engineering has drawn into this network similar faculties in Cluj - Napoca and Bucuresti. Each year, 15 to 20 well selected students from our faculty go to our partner universities to study for three or four months.

      Besides the development of a new curriculum and introduction of the proposed Degree Course; the JEP INCOT (New course in Information & Comunication) will also provide for the assistance of new teaching structures and the development as  related technologies.

      Another european exchange program is the program "Reseaux Formation Recherche  Est" financed by the Ministry of Superior Education and Research in France, having  the Universities of Besancon and Belfort as partners.




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