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Faculty Members |
Computers, Electronics and Automation Department Electrotechnics Department Secretariat |
DEAN: Stefan-Gheorghe PENTIUC, PhD Supervisor, Professor at the Computers, Electronics and Automation Department, PhD in Electronic Computers. Teaches the courses on "Pattern Recognition"
and "Data Structures and Algorithms".
www.eed.usv.ro/~pentiuc phone: +40-230-216147, ext.236
VICE DEAN: Leon MANDICI, Associate Professor at the Electrotechnics Department, PhD in Machines and Electrical Devices. Teaches "Electrical Devices".
SCIENTIFIC SECRETARY: Alin-Dan POTORAC, PhD, Professor at the Computers, Electronics and Automation Department. Teaches Digital Electronics, Logical Design, Computer Networks and VHDL.
alin.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.179, 232
Computers, Electronics and Automation Department |
DIRECTOR OF DEPARTMENT: Valentin POPA, Head of the Computers and Automation Department, Associate Professor at the Computers and
Automation Department, PhD in "Electronical Compounds, Devices and Circuits". Teaches following courses: "Electronical Devices and Circuits" and "Input/Output Systems".Contact:
www.eed.usv.ro/~valentin phone: +40-230-216147, ext.231
Electronics and Automation Team - teaching staff: |
Professor PhD. Eng. Mihai DIMIAN |
e-mail: dimian eed.usv.ro
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.172 |
Professor PhD. Eng. PhD Supervisor Adrian GRAUR |
e-mail: adriang eed.usv.ro web: www.eed.usv.ro/~adriang
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.220, 221 phone/fax: +40-230-520277 |
Professor PhD. Eng. Valentin POPA |
e-mail: valentin eed.usv.ro web: www.eed.usv.ro/~valentin
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.231 |
Professor PhD. Eng. Dan Alin POTORAC |
e-mail: alinp eed.usv.ro web: alin.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.179, 232 |
Professor PhD. Eng. Corneliu Octavian TURCU |
e-mail: cturcu eed.usv.ro
web: www.eed.usv.ro/~cturcu phone: +40-230-216147, ext.230 |
Associate Professor PhD. Eng. Calin CIUFUDEAN |
e-mail: calin eed.usv.ro
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.177 |
Associate Professor PhD. Eng. Constantin FILOTE |
e-mail: filote eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.181, 231 |
Associate Professor PhD. Eng. Eugen COCA |
e-mail: ecoca eed.usv.ro web: www.ecoca.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.273 |
Lecturer PhD. Eng. George MAHALU |
e-mail: mahalu eed.usv.ro
web: www.eed.usv.ro/~mahalu phone: +40-230-216147, ext.177 |
Lecturer PhD. Eng. Sorin POHOATA |
e-mail: sorinp eed.usv.ro
web: www.eed.usv.ro/~sorinp phone: +40-230-216147, ext.176 |
Lector PhD. Bianca SATCO |
e-mail: bisatco eed.usv.ro
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.172 |
Lector PhD. Toader Danut STRUGARIU |
e-mail: tstrug eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.254 |
Lector PhD. Catalin TIGAERU |
e-mail: tigaeru eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.116 |
Lecturer PhD. Eng. Alexandra Ligia BALAN |
e-mail: alexandra eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.176 |
Lector Drd. Ana Maria COZGAREA |
e-mail: anamariacozgarea eed.usv.ro |
Lecturer Drd. Eng. Iuliana CHIUCHISAN |
e-mail: iulia eed.usv.ro web: www.eed.usv.ro/~iuliap
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.178 |
Associate Professor PhD. (supl) Aurelian ROTARU |
e-mail: rotaru eed.usv.ro |
Lecturer PhD. Eng. (supl) Oana GEMAN |
e-mail: geman eed.usv.ro |
Assistant PhD. Eng. (supl) Doru BALAN |
e-mail: dorub usv.ro phone: +40 230 522978, ext.322 |
Assistant PhD. Eng. (supl) Corneliu BUZDUGA |
e-mail: cbuzduga usv.ro |
Assistant PhD. Eng. (supl) Anca GÎNDULESCU |
e-mail: ancag usv.ro |
Assistant PhD. Eng. (supl) Valentin VLAD |
e-mail: vladv eed.usv.ro |
Electronics and Automation Team - members: |
Eng. Gheorghe SIMIONIUC |
e-mail: gsimioniuc eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.176 |
Eng. Drd. Aurel CHIRAP |
e-mail: aurel eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.178 |
Eng. Marius BUTA |
e-mail: marius eed.usv.ro
web: www.eed.usv.ro/~marius phone: +40-230-216147, ext.222 |
Eng. Lucian SPETCU |
e-mail: lspetcu eed.usv.ro |
e-mail: iulian eed.usv.ro
Computers Team - teaching staff: |
Professor PhD. Eng. Vasile Gheorghita GAITAN |
e-mail: gaitan eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.232,180 |
Professor PhD. Eng. PhD Supervisor Gheorghe Stefan PENTIUC |
e-mail: pentiuc eed.usv.ro web: www.eed.usv.ro/~pentiuc
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.236 |
Professor PhD. Eng. Cristina Elena TURCU |
e-mail: cristina eed.usv.ro web: www.eed.usv.ro/~cristina
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.237 |
Lecturer Drd. Adina Luminita BARILA |
e-mail: adina eed.usv.ro
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.171 |
Lecturer PhD. Eng. Mirela DANUBIANU |
e-mail: mdanub eed.usv.ro web: www.eed.usv.ro/~mdanub
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.274 |
Lecturer PhD. Eng. Remus PRODAN |
e-mail: prodan eed.usv.ro web: www.eed.usv.ro/~prodan
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.171 |
Lecturer PhD. Eng. Cristian Andy TANASE |
e-mail: andy eed.usv.ro
web: www.eed.usv.ro/~andy_t phone: +40-230-216147, ext.225 |
Lecturer PhD. Eng. Marius CERLINCA |
e-mail: mariusc eed.usv.ro
web: www.eed.usv.ro/~mariusc phone: +40-230-216147, ext.171 |
Lecturer PhD. Eng. Tudor Ioan CERLINCA |
e-mail: tudor_c eed.usv.ro
web: www.eed.usv.ro/~tudor_c phone: +40-230-216147, ext.173 |
Lecturer PhD. Eng. Ovidiu SCHIPOR |
e-mail: schipor eed.usv.ro
web: www.eed.usv.ro/~schipor phone: +40-230-216147, ext.174 |
Lecturer PhD. Eng. Radu VATAVU |
e-mail: vatavu eed.usv.ro telefon: +40-230-216147 |
Assistant PhD. Eng. Cristina Nicoleta GAITAN |
e-mail: cristinag eed.usv.ro telefon: +40-230-216147, ext.180 |
Assistant Drd. Eng. Alexandru LARIONESCU |
e-mail: lari eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.180 |
Assistant Drd. Eng. Felicia BELCIUG-GÎZÃ |
e-mail: felicia eed.usv.ro
web: www.eed.usv.ro/~felicia phone: +40-230-216147, ext.174 |
Assistant PhD. Eng. (supl) Ioan UNGUREANU |
e-mail: ioanu eed.usv.ro
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.180 |
Assistant Drd. Eng. Ovidiu GHERMAN |
e-mail: ovidiug eed.usv.ro |
Computers Team - members: |
Eng. Doina CANURA |
e-mail: doinac eed.usv.ro web: www.eed.usv.ro/~doinac
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.275 |
Ec. Doina Livia VICOL |
e-mail: vicol eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.175 |
Eng. Valentina PRODAN |
e-mail: valentina eed.usv.ro web: www.eed.usv.ro/~valentina
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.174 |
Electrotechnics Department |
DIRECTOR OF DEPARTMENT: Radu Dumitru PENTIUC, Head of the Electrotechnics Department, Professor, PhD, at the Electrotechnics Department.Contact:
e-mail: radup eed.usv.ro phone: +40 230 216147, ext.166
Electrotechnics Department Teaching Staff: |
Professor PhD. Eng. PhD Supervisor Dorel CERNOMAZU |
e-mail: dorelc eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.170, 238 |
Professor PhD. Eng. Radu PENTIUC |
e-mail: radup eed.usv.ro web: www.eed.usv.ro/~radup
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.166, 234 |
Associate Professor PhD. Eng. Elena Crenguta BOBRIC |
e-mail: crengutab eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.165 |
Associate Professor PhD. Eng. Daniela IRIMIA |
e-mail: mind eed.usv.ro
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.235 |
Associate Professor PhD. Eng. Leon MANDICI |
e-mail: lmandici eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.238, 167 |
Associate Professor PhD. Eng. Mariana MILICI |
e-mail: mami eed.usv.ro
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.104, 233 |
Associate Professor PhD. Eng. Dan MILICI |
e-mail: dam eed.usv.ro
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.104 |
Associate Professor PhD. Eng. Cezar POPA |
e-mail: cezarp eed.usv.ro
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.234, 182 |
Associate Professor PhD. Eng. Gabriela RATA |
e-mail: gabrielar eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.168 |
Associate Professor PhD. Eng. Mihai RATA |
e-mail: mihair eed.usv.ro
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.167 |
Lector PhD. Marinica BOSINCEANU |
e-mail: boss eed.usv.ro
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.235 |
Lecturer PhD. Eng. Niculai BARBA |
e-mail: barba eed.usv.ro
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.184 |
Lecturer PhD. Eng. Constantin UNGUREANU |
e-mail: costel eed.usv.ro
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.250 |
Assistant PhD. Eng. Ciprian AFANASOV |
e-mail: aciprian eed.usv.ro telefon: +40-230-216147, ext.167 |
Assistant PhD. Eng. Elena OLARIU |
e-mail: elenao eed.usv.ro |
Lecturer PhD. Eng. (supl) Cristina PRODAN |
Electrotechnics Department Members: |
e-mail: dangrig eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.183 |
Eng. Ilie NITAN |
e-mail: nitan eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.270 |
Gheorghe PENTIUC |
Secretariat of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering: |
Chief Secretary, Eng. Elena CURELARU |
e-mail: elena eed.usv.ro web: www.eed.usv.ro/~elena
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.124 |
Secretary, prof. Mihaela BUJANOVSCHI |
e-mail: mihaela eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.124 |
Secretary, Ec. Laura DOSPINESCU |
e-mail: laurad eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.174 |
Str. Universitatii nr.13 720229 Suceava, ROMANIA, Tel/Fax: (+40)-230-524801
Copyright ©1997-2009 Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science All rights reserved. |