professor and Post-doctoral researcher
in Electronics and Telecommunications from the ”Stefan
cel Mare” University of Suceava (Romania).
M.Sc. in Organic Semiconductors
Thin Films (2004) from “Al. I. Cuza” University of
Iasi (Romania) and Potsdam University (Germany).
B.Sc. in Physics Engineering
(2002) from “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi
studies reported may be summarized as follows: the
construction and investigation of optoelectronic
devices, tailored with a new series of organic
materials, by means of electrical, optical and
morphology characterization, as well as theoretical
modeling. It was studied also how electrical traps
influence the device efficiency. The results of
these studies are relevant for devices such as
conjugated polymer based light emitting diodes,
field effect transistors and photovoltaic devices.
The device properties of diodes based on organic
compounds are extremely sensitive to the
environmental conditions, in particular to the
presence of oxygen. It was introduced a new method
of fabrication and characterization of encapsulated
OLED devices. He is the first
author of more them 10 ISI – indexed publications.
His results have already been recognized by more
than 70 citations (without self-citations) and by
invitations to serve as reviewer for Materials
Science in Semiconductor Processing (MSSP Elsevier
Journal), Advances in Polymer Technology, Vacuum and
The Journal Physical and Chemistry (American
Chemical Society).