Students' Hostel no. 1 (C1)
Universității Str. no. 13 (in campus) Administrator: Eng. Gheorghe Timofte, tel. 216147 int.269 |
Accommodation places: Hostel type: Beds/room: Room size:
Distance from the University: Price per bed - Oct.2006: |
284 girls hostel 4 20.46sq m 3-minute walk between 44 and 146
lei/bed * |
- common restrooms - common showers - rehabilitated in summer of 2006 - 2 superposed beds, Relaxa
mattresses - new furniture: 2 wardrobes, 2 tables, 2 bookshelves, 4 chairs - bedsheets are delivered at the storehouse on personal card - public telephone in the hall -
availability of TV Cable on individual subscription - unlimited access to Internet
Students' Hostel no. 2 (C2)
Universității Str. no. 13 (in campus) Administrator: Eng. Gheorghe Timofte, tel. 216147 int.269 |
Accommodation places: Hostel type: Beds/room: Room size:
Distance from the University: Price per bed - Oct.2006: |
180 boys hostel 4 20.46sq m 3-minute walk between 39 and 141
lei/bed * |
- common restrooms - common showers - 4 beds, Relaxa or textile mattresses - furniture: 2
wardrobes, 2 tables, 2 bookshelves, 4 chairs - bedsheets are delivered at the storehouse on individual card - public telephone in the hall - availability of TV Cablenetwork on
individual subscription - unlimited access to Internet - capital repairs soon to be provided
Students' Hostel no. 3 (C3)
Mihai Viteazu Str., no. 20A
Administrator: Carmen Urzică, tel. 210179 |
Accommodation places: Hostel type: Beds/room: Room size:
Distance from the University: Price per bed - Oct.2006: |
274 mixed type 2 10,54sq m 10-minute walk between 61 and 163
lei/bed * |
- common restrooms - common showers - rooms with sink
- 2 beds, Relaxa or textile mattresses - furniture: 1 wardrobe, 1 table, 2 bookshelves, 2 chairs - bedsheets are delivered at the storehouse on individual card
- public telephone in the hall - Internet and TV Cable network
Students' Hostel no. 4 (C4)
Scurtă Str. no. 6 Administrator:
Eng. Elena Miron, tel. 216147 int.288 |

Accommodation places: Hostel type: Beds/room: Room size:
Distance from the University: Price per bed - Oct.2006: |
240 mixed type 70 rooms with 3 beds, 15 rooms with 2 beds 27,54sq m
room-2 beds, 33,54 sq m room- 3 beds 5-minute walk between132 and 244 lei/bed * |
- individual restrooms - individual showers - single or superposed beds with Relaxa mattresses
-new furniture: 1 wardrobe, 1 table with metallic leg and keyboard holder, 2 corner shelves, 2 bookcases, TV chest of drawers, 2 or 3 chairs
- complete set of bedsheets for each bed - color TV, fridge - public telephone in the hall - availability for telephone in the room on subscription
- Internet and TV Cable network
- cleaning staff clean common areas as well as rooms - bedsheets are changed weekly or as often
as necessary - 5 cooking areas equipped with electric kitchen ranges and vapour hoods - 3 rooms for ironing - Fast-food on the ground floor
- In process of arrangement: 1 laundry room at the basement
*) The price for the accommodation places is established according to the
education form (with or without fees), to whether the students' parents are didactic staff members or to whether the students have scholarships given by the Romanain state or not. |
Accommodation offer in Suceava |
Students Cafeteria
- total no. of seats: 300 - opening period: October 1st-July 31st - meals: lunch, dinner
- opening hours: Monday-Friday, 12:00 - 20:00 - on Saturdays and Sundays, the cafeteria is closed - average price for the two meals: 9 lei - re-arranged and re-equipped with new food
processors in february 2007
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Nocturne Sports Ground (warm air balloon)
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Sports Hall
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