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Faculty Members |
Computers, Electronics and Automation Department
Electrotechnics Department
Secretariat |
DEAN: Stefan-Gheorghe PENTIUC, PhD Supervisor, Professor at the Computers Department, PhD in Electronic Computers. Teaches the courses on "Pattern Recognition"
and "Data Structures and Algorithms".
www.eed.usv.ro/~pentiuc phone: +40-230-216147, ext.236
VICE DEAN: Prof.univ.dr.ing. Cristina Elena TURCU, Profesor la Departamentul de Calculatoare. Predă disciplinele Programarea aplicațiilor grafice, Inteligență artificială, Inginerie software, Programarea interfețelor utilizator.
VICE DEAN: Conf.univ.dr.ing. Laurentiu Dan MILICI, Conferențiar la Departamentul de Electrotehnică, Doctor în Inginerie electrică. Predă disciplinele Metode numerice, Instrumentație virtuală, Traductoare, interfețe și achiziții de date, Monitorizare și transmisii de date pentru conducerea proceselor energetice.
VICE DEAN: Conf.univ.dr.ing. George MAHALU, Conferențiar la Departamentul de Calculatoare, Automatica si Electronica, Doctor în Automatică. Predă disciplinele Metode numerice, Modelarea și identificarea sistemelor, Tehnici de optimizare.
SCIENTIFIC SECRETARY: Alin-Dan POTORAC, PhD, Professor at the Computers, Electronics and Automation Department. Teaches Digital Electronics, Logical Design, Computer Networks and VHDL.
alin.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.179, 232
Computers, Electronics and Automation Department |
DIRECTOR OF DEPARTMENT: Eugen COCA, Head of the Computers and Automation Department, Associate Professor at the Computers and
Automation DepartmentContact:
www.ecoca.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.273
Electronics and Automation Team - teaching staff: |
Professor PhD. Eng. Mihai DIMIAN |
e-mail: dimian eed.usv.ro
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.172 |
Professor PhD. Eng. PhD Supervisor Adrian GRAUR |
e-mail: adriang eed.usv.ro web: www.eed.usv.ro/~adriang
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.220, 221 phone/fax: +40-230-520277 |
Professor PhD. Eng. Valentin POPA |
e-mail: valentin eed.usv.ro web: www.eed.usv.ro/~valentin
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.231 |
Professor PhD. Eng. Dan Alin POTORAC |
e-mail: alinp eed.usv.ro web: alin.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.179, 232 |
Professor PhD. Eng. Corneliu Octavian TURCU |
e-mail: cturcu eed.usv.ro
web: www.eed.usv.ro/~cturcu phone: +40-230-216147, ext.230 |
Associate Professor PhD. Eng. Calin CIUFUDEAN |
e-mail: calin eed.usv.ro
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.177 |
Associate Professor PhD. Eng. Constantin FILOTE |
e-mail: filote eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.181, 231 |
Associate Professor PhD. Eng. Eugen COCA |
e-mail: ecoca eed.usv.ro web: www.ecoca.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.273 |
Lecturer PhD. Eng. George MAHALU |
e-mail: mahalu eed.usv.ro
web: www.eed.usv.ro/~mahalu phone: +40-230-216147, ext.177 |
Lecturer PhD. Eng. Sorin POHOATA |
e-mail: sorinp eed.usv.ro
web: www.eed.usv.ro/~sorinp phone: +40-230-216147, ext.176 |
Lector PhD. Bianca SATCO |
e-mail: bisatco eed.usv.ro
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.172 |
Lecturer PhD. Eng. Alexandra Ligia BALAN |
e-mail: alexandra eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.176 |
Lector Drd. Ana Maria COZGAREA |
e-mail: anamariacozgarea eed.usv.ro |
Lecturer Drd. Eng. Iuliana CHIUCHISAN |
e-mail: iulia eed.usv.ro web: www.eed.usv.ro/~iuliap
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.178 |
Associate Professor PhD. (supl) Aurelian ROTARU |
e-mail: rotaru eed.usv.ro |
Lecturer PhD. Eng. Remus PRODAN |
e-mail: prodan eed.usv.ro web: www.eed.usv.ro/~prodan
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.171 |
Lecturer PhD. Eng. (supl) Oana GEMAN |
e-mail: geman eed.usv.ro |
Assistant PhD. Eng. (supl) Doru BALAN |
e-mail: dorub usv.ro phone: +40 230 522978, ext.322 |
Assistant PhD. Eng. (supl) Corneliu BUZDUGA |
e-mail: cbuzduga usv.ro |
Assistant PhD. Eng. (supl) Anca GÎNDULESCU |
e-mail: ancag usv.ro |
Assistant PhD. Eng. (supl) Valentin VLAD |
e-mail: vladv eed.usv.ro |
Electronics and Automation Team - members: |
Eng. Gheorghe SIMIONIUC |
e-mail: gsimioniuc eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.176 |
Eng. Drd. Aurel CHIRAP |
e-mail: aurel eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.178 |
Eng. Lucian SPETCU |
e-mail: lspetcu eed.usv.ro |
e-mail: iulian eed.usv.ro
Computers Department |
DIRECTOR OF DEPARTMENT: Mirela DANUBIANU, Head of the Computers Department, Associate Professor PhD. Eng.Contact:
www.eed.usv.ro/~mdanub phone: +40-230-216147, ext.274
Computers Team - teaching staff: |
Professor PhD. Eng. Vasile Gheorghita GAITAN |
e-mail: gaitan eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.232,180 |
Professor PhD. Eng. PhD Supervisor Gheorghe Stefan PENTIUC |
e-mail: pentiuc eed.usv.ro web: www.eed.usv.ro/~pentiuc
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.236 |
Professor PhD. Eng. Cristina Elena TURCU |
e-mail: cristina eed.usv.ro web: www.eed.usv.ro/~cristina
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.237 |
Lecturer Drd. Adina Luminita BARILA |
e-mail: adina eed.usv.ro
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.171 |
Lecturer PhD. Eng. Mirela DANUBIANU |
e-mail: mdanub eed.usv.ro web: www.eed.usv.ro/~mdanub
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.274 |
Lecturer PhD. Eng. Cristian Andy TANASE |
e-mail: andy eed.usv.ro
web: www.eed.usv.ro/~andy_t phone: +40-230-216147, ext.225 |
Lecturer PhD. Eng. Marius CERLINCA |
e-mail: mariusc eed.usv.ro
web: www.eed.usv.ro/~mariusc phone: +40-230-216147, ext.171 |
Lecturer PhD. Eng. Ovidiu SCHIPOR |
e-mail: schipor eed.usv.ro
web: www.eed.usv.ro/~schipor phone: +40-230-216147, ext.174 |
Lecturer PhD. Eng. Radu VATAVU |
e-mail: vatavu eed.usv.ro telefon: +40-230-216147 |
Assistant PhD. Eng. Cristina Nicoleta GAITAN |
e-mail: cristinag eed.usv.ro telefon: +40-230-216147, ext.180 |
Assistant Drd. Eng. Alexandru LARIONESCU |
e-mail: lari eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.180 |
Assistant Drd. Eng. Felicia BELCIUG-GÎZĂ |
e-mail: felicia eed.usv.ro
web: www.eed.usv.ro/~felicia phone: +40-230-216147, ext.174 |
Assistant PhD. Eng. (supl) Ioan UNGUREANU |
e-mail: ioanu eed.usv.ro
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.180 |
Assistant Drd. Eng. Ovidiu GHERMAN |
e-mail: ovidiug eed.usv.ro |
Computers Team - members: |
Eng. Ionut-Dorin PAVEL |
e-mail: ipavel eed.usv.ro
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.175 |
Eng. Valentina PRODAN |
e-mail: valentina eed.usv.ro web: www.eed.usv.ro/~valentina
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.174 |
Electrotechnics Department |
DIRECTOR OF DEPARTMENT: Radu Dumitru PENTIUC, Head of the Electrotechnics Department, Professor, PhD, at the Electrotechnics Department.Contact:
e-mail: radup eed.usv.ro phone: +40 230 216147, ext.166
Electrotechnics Department Teaching Staff: |
Professor PhD. Eng. Radu PENTIUC |
e-mail: radup eed.usv.ro web: www.eed.usv.ro/~radup
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.166, 234 |
Associate Professor PhD. Eng. Elena Crenguta BOBRIC |
e-mail: crengutab eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.165 |
Associate Professor PhD. Eng. Daniela IRIMIA |
e-mail: mind eed.usv.ro
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.235 |
Associate Professor PhD. Eng. Leon MANDICI |
e-mail: lmandici eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.238, 167 |
Associate Professor PhD. Eng. Mariana MILICI |
e-mail: mami eed.usv.ro
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.104, 233 |
Associate Professor PhD. Eng. Dan MILICI |
e-mail: dam eed.usv.ro
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.104 |
Associate Professor PhD. Eng. Cezar POPA |
e-mail: cezarp eed.usv.ro
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.234, 182 |
Associate Professor PhD. Eng. Gabriela RATA |
e-mail: gabrielar eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.168 |
Associate Professor PhD. Eng. Mihai RATA |
e-mail: mihair eed.usv.ro
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.167 |
Lector PhD. Marinica BOSINCEANU |
e-mail: boss eed.usv.ro
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.235 |
Lecturer PhD. Eng. Niculai BARBA |
e-mail: barba eed.usv.ro
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.184 |
Lecturer PhD. Eng. Constantin UNGUREANU |
e-mail: costel eed.usv.ro
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.250 |
Assistant PhD. Eng. Ciprian AFANASOV |
e-mail: aciprian eed.usv.ro telefon: +40-230-216147, ext.167 |
Assistant PhD. Eng. Elena OLARIU |
e-mail: elenao eed.usv.ro |
Lecturer PhD. Eng. (supl) Cristina PRODAN |
Electrotechnics Department Members: |
e-mail: dangrig eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.183 |
Eng. Ilie NITAN |
e-mail: nitan eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.270 |
Gheorghe PENTIUC |
Secretariat of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering: |
Chief Secretary, Eng. Elena CURELARU |
e-mail: elena eed.usv.ro web: www.eed.usv.ro/~elena
phone: +40-230-216147, ext.124 |
Secretary, prof. Mihaela BUJANOVSCHI |
e-mail: mihaela eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.124 |
Secretary, Ec. Laura DOSPINESCU |
e-mail: laurad eed.usv.ro phone: +40-230-216147, ext.174 |
Str. Universitatii nr.13 720229 Suceava, ROMANIA, Tel/Fax: (+40)-230-524801
Copyright ©1997-2009 Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science All rights reserved. |