Gesture-based Interactive System for the Development and Educational Support of Children

Project summary
Principal Investigators: Radu-Daniel Vatavu (University of Suceava, Romania) and Matei Mancas (UMONS Institute for Creative Technologies, Belgium)
Funded by UEFISCDI, Romania and Wallonie-Bruxelles International, Belgium
Running period: October 2012 - September 2014 (24 months)

In this project, we addressed design of gesture interfaces for small children, focusing on touch and whole-body gesture input. Our goal is to empower the scientific community with new knowledge to assist design of gesture user interfaces for children.

Concrete objectives
  1. Develop software tools for gesture acquisition and collect touch and whole-body gestures from small children.
  2. Evaluate children's performance with gesture input.
  3. Develop design recommendations for gesture user interfaces for small children.

The team includes experienced researchers and PhD students in Human-Computer Interaction and Psychology.
University of Suceava, Romania Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
  • Radu-Daniel Vatavu (Principal Investigator)
  • Stefan-Gheorghe Pentiuc
  • Ovidiu-Andrei Schipor
  • Otilia Clipa
  • Gabriel Cramariuc (PhD student)
  • Matei Mancas (Principal Investigator)
  • Nicolas Riche (PhD student)
  • Julien Leroy (PhD student)

  1. Radu-Daniel Vatavu, Gabriel Cramariuc, Doina-Maria Schipor. (2015). Touch Interaction for Children Aged 3 to 6 Years: Experimental Findings and Relationship to Motor Skills. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 74. Elsevier, 54-76
    DOI | IF: 1.476 | 5-Year IF: 2.097 (JCR 2015)
  1. Ionut-Alexandru Zaiti, Stefan-Gheorghe Pentiuc. (2014). Gestural Interfaces for Mobile and Ubiquitous Applications. In Proceedings of ECUMICT '14, the European Conference on the Use of Modern Information and Communication Technologies (Ghent, Belgium). Springer, 217-229
  1. Ionut-Alexandru Zaiti, Radu-Daniel Vatavu, Stefan-Gheorghe Pentiuc. (2013). Exploring Hand Posture for Smart Mobile Devices. In Proceedings of SouthCHI '13, the 1st International Conference on Human Factors in Computing and Informatics (Maribor, Slovenia). Springer, 721-731
  1. Ionut-Alexandru Zaiti, Stefan-Gheorghe Pentiuc. (2013). Glove-Based Input for Reusing Everyday Objects as Interfaces in Smart Environments. In Proceedings of DCAI '13, the 10th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence (Salamanca, Spain). Springer, 537-544

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