The IV th International Fair of Innovation and Creative Education for Youth (ICE-USV)
Suceava, ROMANIA, September, 3 – 5, 2020
This edition may be organized online (judging, presentation) and the prizes will be sent by mail.
Registration is normal.
By the end of June, we will send details about the organization.
Dream - Create - Innovate
The Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava has assumed the role of catalyst for creativity and innovation in the Romanian society, becoming in the last years a national leader both in the number of patent applications and the number of patents obtained. These results were obtained through the education and massive involvement of PhD students, master students and even the bachelor's degree in inventive and scientific creativity, both through the introduction of new curricular activities and through extra-curricular activities carried out in the research centers and research laboratories of the university.
The manifestation includes:
Invention and innovation salon with exhibition stands for young people (judging and prizes)
workshops and presentations about creativity in all social areas 10-InSTED - 10 minutes about Innovation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Design)
Organised by:
Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania (www.usv.ro)
Romanian Inventors Forum (www.afir.org.ro)
Romanian General Association of Engineers (www.agir.ro)
Event organized within the project "Excellence in advanced research, leadership in innovation and patenting for the development of the university and the region" - EXCALIBUR
Important Dates:
July, 31, 2020 - Deadline for submitting your application forms (attached)
August, 15, 2020 - Communication of acceptance of the paper
September, 3 - 5, 2020 - the event
Chairman of the Organizing Committee: dr. Mihai DIMIAN – vicerector
Coordinator of program: dr. eng. L. Dan MILICI, dam@usm.ro
Secretary: dr. eng. Mihaela POIENAR, mihaela_poienar@yahoo.com
Contact Tel.: (+4)0741221406
E-mail: dam@usm.ro
Registration form click here
Comitetul științific al manifestării
Prof. dr. ing. Valentin POPA – preşedinte
Prof. dr. ing. Mihai DIMIAN – vicepreşedinte
Prof. dr. ing. Adrian GRAUR
Prof. univ.dr.ing. DHC Radu MUNTEANU
Prof. dr. Valeriu DULGHERU
Prof. dr. ing. Mihail Aurel ŢÎŢU
Prof. dr. ing. Ştefan Gheorghe PENTIUC
Prof. dr. ing. Gheorghe GUTT
Prof. dr. ing. Ilie MUSCĂ
Prof. dr. ing. Ioan MIHAI
Prof. dr. ing. Sorin Gheorghe PAVEL
Prof. dr. ing. Radu Dumitru PENTIUC
Prof. dr. ing. Alexandru MARIN
Prof. dr. ing. Marian POBORONIUC
Prof. dr. ing. Marinel TEMNEANU
Prof. dr. ing. Mircea OROIAN
Conf. dr. Aurora-Adina COLOMEISCHI
Conf. dr. Doina Maria SCHIPOR
Conf. dr. ing. Daniela IRIMIA
Conf. dr. ing. Andrei CHICIUC
Conf. dr. ing. Ovidiu NEMEŞ
Conf. dr. ing. Ilie NUCĂ
Conf. dr. ing. Silviu Mihai PETRIȘOR
Conf. dr. ing. Cezar Dumitru POPA
Conf. dr. ing. Mihai RAŢĂ
dr. ing. Mircea IGNAT
S.l. dr. ing. Constantin DULUCHEANU
Lect. dr. Virgil Adrian MOROŞAN LARIONESCU
S.l. dr. ing. Andrei Victor SANDU
S.l. dr. ing. Constatin UNGUREANU
Comitetul de organizare
Prof. dr. ing. L. Dan MILICI – coordonator
Conf. dr. ing. Elena Crenguţa BOBROC
Conf. dr. ing. Gabriela RAŢĂ
S.l. dr. ing. Elena Daniela OLARIU
S.l. dr. ing. Cristina PRODAN
Lect. dr. ing. Gabriel CRAMARIUC
S.l. dr. ing. Ciprian AFANASOV
S.l. dr. ing. Corneliu BUZDUGA
S.l. dr. ing. Valentin VLAD
dr. ing. Ilie NIŢAN
dr. ing. Mihaela POIENAR
drd. ing. oana Vasilica GROSU - secretariat
Manifestare organizată în cadrul proiectului
„Excelență în cercetare avansată, leadership în inovare și brevetare pentru dezvoltarea universității și regiunii” – EXCALIBUR
Programul manifestarii
03.09.2020 Sosirea participanților
10:00 vizita unor obiective istorice și culturale din Suceava
13:00 masa de prânz
14:00 festivitatea de deschidere
15:00 vizita unor obiective culturale din Bucovina
19:30 masa de seară
20:00 amenajarea standurilor
08:00 mic dejun
09:00 vizitarea laboratoarelor de cercetare din USV
14:00 masa de prânz
15:00 - 10-InSTED (10 minutes about Innovation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Design)
18:00 masa de seară
20:00 program cultural
08:00 mic dejun
09:00 jurizare
14:00 masa de prânz
festivitatea de premiere
Plecarea participanților